News & Commentary
Join the Foundation, our grantees, and leading experts for commentary and the latest news on the education and training of health professionals.
From The President
Reflecting on the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges
New York, NY
A key measure for any foundation is whether the work it supports is having impact or influencing change in its area of focus. I recently returned from Denver, CO, where I attended the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) annual meeting, something I do every year. This year I was particularly struck by how much of the work we support is permeating discussions about academic medicine reform.
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Changing Graduate Medical Education to Maintain the Public’s Trust
New York, NY
Last week, we released the Foundation’s latest report on graduate medical education in the United States. The report calls for major changes in the way we train residents. A broad panel of leaders generated the recommendations, focusing on how to ensure that physicians are trained more effectively and efficiently to meet public needs in today’s health care system.
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Thibault Discusses GME Cuts, Reforms In Op-Ed
New York, NY
Cutting what Medicare spends to fund graduate medical education training may be an easy target. But it is shortsighted and not in the best interest of the American public. At a time when we need to address a serious shortage of physicians, policymakers should seize this opportunity to invest GME dollars more wisely, not scale them back to meet budgetary goals.
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Macy Faculty Scholars: First Class
It is with great pleasure that we announced today the first cohort of Macy Faculty Scholars. These five scholars represent the next generation of innovators in health professions education. They will lead important curriculum reform in their home institutions, testing new models, approaches and content to better educate our future health care workforce. They will also participate in national faculty development programs and become part of a national network of Macy advisors and innovators.
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