News & Commentary
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From The President

Building a Foundation for Team-Based Care
Washington, D.C.
We have good evidence that health care delivered in teams is more efficient and leads to better outcomes for patients. But, while we are beginning to break down the silos that doctors, nurses and other health professionals work in, collaborative education is still not the norm. By providing opportunities for students from different health professions to work together in classroom and clinical settings, we can build a foundation for team-based care.
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Macy and IMAP Issue RFA for Second Year of Joint Professionalism Initiative
New York, NY
The Institute on Medicine as a Profession (IMAP) and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation are issuing a second request for applications for their joint Education and Training to Professionalism Initiative (ETPI). IMAP and the Macy Foundation will give five awards annually to support faculty-directed educational programs that address one or several of the critical components of medical professionalism. Grants will be provided for a two year period at $25,000 per year.
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Steve Schoenbaum Reflects on First Months As Macy Advisor, Looks Ahead
New York, NY
It was with great pleasure that I joined the Macy Foundation as special advisor to the president in January, 2011. I have had a long and varied career in health care that I hope to leverage on Macy’s behalf. My experience has included in-hospital specialty practice in infectious diseases, ambulatory practice as a primary care general internist at Harvard Community Health Plan, epidemiologic research in infectious diseases and obstetrics, teaching, management in HMO and foundation settings, and grant-making. After 11 years at the Commonwealth Fund, where I focused on health care quality improvement and policy issues, I’m eager to return to medical education, including educational innovations and improvements.
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