News & Commentary
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Foundation Updates
Educating Nurses and Physicians: Toward New Horizons
Stanford, CA
I am pleased to share with you the report “Educating Nurses and Physicians: Toward New Horizons,” a summary of the June 2010 invitational conference hosted by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The conference brought together deans and other leaders from medical and nursing schools at seven U.S. academic health centers. These leaders shared accomplishments and ideas related to their efforts to provide graduate health professions students with education and training in team-based care.
The report provides an overview of the three-day working conference, including an introduction to interprofessional education, summaries of the plenary discussions, and descriptions of the interprofessional education initiatives underway at the seven participating pairs of nursing and medical schools.
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Stephen Schoenbaum Joins the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation As Special Advisor to the President
New York City — The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the only national foundation devoted solely to improving the education of health professionals, has named Stephen C. Schoenbaum, MD, MPH as Special Advisor to the President. A new position, Dr. Schoenbaum will work closely with President George E. Thibault, MD, to develop and manage the Foundation’s programmatic and grant making activities, and advance the Foundation’s mission to foster innovation in health professions education. Dr. Schoenbaum, who will step down in December as Executive Vice President for Programs at the Commonwealth Fund, will assume his new position in early 2011.
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Applications for IMAP/Macy Foundation Grant Program Available
The Institute on Medicine as a Profession and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation have created a new initiative to provide five awards annually to educational programs in medical professionalism. We are looking to support programs that will inculcate the principles of professionalism in the next generation of physicians (medical students and residents).
Grants will be provided for a two-year period at $25,000 per year. Applicants must be faculty members at accredited medical schools, hospitals, or health care systems, and/or participating in approved residency programs.
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Welcome from George E. Thibault, MD
Just as academic medicine is undergoing a dramatic transformation in how it teaches health professions students, we at the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation – the only national foundation solely dedicated to improving health professions education – have undergone our own makeover to improve how we educate you about our work. Today we’re very excited to debut a brand new look for our organization.
Our new website will better inform you about the fast-moving developments in health care and health professions education at a pivotal time in the United States. And, it will offer a much more nimble and effective platform to tell our story and engage you in our work.
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