News & Commentary
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Grantee Voices
AAMC’s Marc Nivet On Developing LGBTI Competencies
New York, NY
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) patients face documented health care disparities related to bias and social stigma, restricted access to health services, and other disparities. Including competencies for the treatment of LGBTI patients in medical school could help future physicians provide better care. In June, 2011, AAMC was awarded a President’s Grant from the Foundation to define these competencies and establish core elements of a curriculum to train medical students in them. AAMC’s Dr. Marc Nivet discusses the grant and its import in this interview.
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IPE Conference Video
Alexandria, VA
Those who were not in attendance at the recent Macy Foundation conference on IPE, which took place April 1-3 in Alexandria, VA, can view video excerpts of the proceedings here.
More >From The President

The Path Ahead For IPE
New York, NY
Our recent conference on interprofessional education (IPE) further crystallized for me the sense that IPE is at a tipping point and fueled my resolve to bring IPE into the mainstream of health professions education. As I reflect on what was shared and discussed at the conference, I am excited anew by the very real possibility we have to grow this movement and implement IPE on a large scale. As we move forward, there are three underlying principles that the conference helped illuminate and which I believe must guide our future efforts.
More >From The President
Annual Report: Achievements of 2011 Reveal Signs of Progress
New York, NY
The past year was a transformative one for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in which many of the ideas and plans we launched three years ago have begun to come to fruition. We are happy therefore to release our 2011 Annual Report, which aptly portrays real evidence of our impact.
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