Conferences at Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation

Macy Conferences

The Future of Pediatric Education in the 21st Century
Held in June 2003, Half Moon Bay, California
Chairman: Barry S. Zuckerman, M.D., Boston University School of Medicine

In June 2003 the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation convened a conference to discuss the future of pediatric education and its implications for the changing needs of today's children and their parents. Conference conclusions and strategies fell into three broad, interlinked categories: optimizing health, relationships, and equity and diversity.

An executive summary of the conference was published in 2003, and a monograph will be available in 2005 with detailed findings and information from this conference.

Proposal for the Next Macy Conference
An allocation for the funding of a Macy Conference on "Neuroscience, Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Neurology" to be held in 2005
Chairman: Joseph B. Martin, M.D., Ph.D.

Despite the dramatic recent progress in the neurosciences and the behavioral sciences, which has been augmented by rapid advances in human genetics and pharmacology, the one-time tradition of joint training in neurology and psychiatry is now relatively uncommon. As a result, potential synergies and joint opportunities and insights that might come from advances in these disparate fields do not have sufficient recognition.

In an effort to define a strategy for correcting that situation and to recognize the educational opportunities that might emerge from greater synergies, the Macy Foundation will sponsor a conference to bring together a group of leaders from the fields of neuro- and behavioral science, along with clinicians and educators from the fields of psychiatry and neurology. The conference will be held during 2005.

Dr. Joseph Martin, who will chair the conference, has served as Dean of Harvard Medical School since 1997, as well as the Caroline Shields Walker Professor of Neurobiology and Clinical Neuroscience.

Macy Conferences