UK Ban on Research Chemicals forces Suppliers to Move to the Continent
After the UK government started implementing a blanket ban on all psychoactive substances, the inquiry into medical value of numerous substances is placed on hold, with delivery of several highly demanded chemicals disrupted, at least for the time being. As a public health organization, The Josiah Macy Foundation actively monitors

10 Super Foods that Extend Your Life
Eating a balanced and healthy diet helps you live longer. That’s a well known and documented fact, but what foods top the list? Finding the right balance of nutrition can be challenging, especially with studies saying different things from year to year. One year butter is in, the next it’s
Is Cannabidiol the answer to treating post-traumatic stress disorder?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder with debilitating symptoms, affecting approximately 6-7% of the world population at some point in their lives. Caused by exposure to extreme trauma, PTSD is characterised by altered neuro-cerebral function, and impaired stress response that easily switches to hyperarousal, causing introversion, along with
Size Does Matter: How Cleaning Up Your Act Can Stop Your Brain From Shrinking
Your brain grows until you are about twenty-five. After that, it starts to atrophy, losing an average of 0.4 percent of total volume a year with the rate of loss increasing as you age. And though there is not a lot you can do about getting older, there are some
How to Deal with Anxiety - Health Education
Everyone has experience with stress and anxiety, but not everyone knows how to deal with anxiety and stressful feelings. Anxiety can be caused by anything, from an upcoming presentation at work to a stressful life change like the death of a loved one. These tips will help you to deal
10 Cancer Warning Signs Every Man Should Know
Cancer remains the second highest cause of death in the United States, killing an estimated 585,720 people in 2014 (Cancer.org, 2014). It is a disease that is more dangerous for men, with males 50% more likely to die from cancer than women (Paddock, 2014). Given these statistics, it is important
How to Naturally Increase Fertility - Health Education
If you’re ready to start a family but are finding it difficult to conceive, you may have considered infertility treatments. Before you do, be sure to determine the exact cause of your infertility. This way, you may be able to naturally increase your fertility and conceive a child without medical
Natural Nootropics - Brain Health Supplements That Improve Your Memory and Concentration
Poor memory, lack of concentration, and inability to focus have become such common complaints, they’re practically considered “normal”. Despite the fact that we’re living in the 21st century, where access to higher education and modern medicine is widely available, our brains no longer seem to be keeping up. This is

What are the Specific Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit?
Otherwise known as the Chinese gooseberry in some parts of the world, the kiwi is a fruit approximately the size of a large hen’s egg. One of the most striking aspects of this fruit is that a fibrous and dull skin hides a bright green interior. It’s sweet and unique

The Nutritional and Health Benefits of Broccoli
While not common knowledge, broccoli is actually a member of the cabbage family of vegetables. Its name is derived from Italian and can be roughly translated to “the flowering cabbage head”. There are many ways to cook broccoli such as boiling, frying or steaming. However, it can be eaten raw